ESC Summer Festival
Date: 15 July 2024
Every year the University of Arts London receives 528 entries from colleges nationwide, and every year our students put forward some work they want displayed.
This year we have had 8 students work selected by curator, Charlie Levine, including L2, L3 Year 1 & 2 and L4 art and design and L3 Year 1 Photography, and L3 Year 1 & 2 Music, for inclusion in the exhibition.
Two of the pieces were created by Maz, UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Practice Art, Design & Communication and Yasmine - UAL Level 3 Diploma in Creative Practice Art, Design & Communication
Maz said this about her work being displayed, "I'm very excited and grateful that my art piece is being exhibited in such a professional environment and that I see it among a broad range of other's art."
Maz’s piece is entitled ‘Freaks?’, here are some details about her piece:
I explored how freakshows beneficially and negatively affected sideshow performers. The more I learnt the more was added to the discussion of, did freak shows give aid to performers or were they forced into it by the cruel society outside of it? The heads I’ve made represent the individuality of freakshow performers’ lives and backstories. I used sculpey to create the heads and strung them up in a puppet-like way. I simply want to make others consider their own opinions, think about the performer instead of the performance. What’s the difference between entertainment and exploitation? If you’re interested in the subject, I’d advise you to research the film ‘Freaks’ and research the Ugly Law.
Yasmin’s piece is entitled ‘Tenochtitlan – Sustainable City’, here are some details about her piece:
The brief for my final piece was Existence and Extinction. From researching various cultures, I evolved my proposal in line with Aztec and Maya civilizations. Utilizing their approach to their ancient Gods and beliefs and respect to nature, I developed my design for a sustainable city, utilizing their farming methods creating a modern, sustainable Tenochtitlan city. My design incorporated islands with various functions, taking influence from how Aztecs used to travel via canoes on waterways between islands and from the chinampas method of farming. These islands included farming, sports, residential, entertainment and retail districts, utilizing the landscape I created with my model to incorporated, solar farms and wind farms as a proposal to power the infrastructure for the islands. I built the model from left over cardboard to be as sustainable as possible at 1.100 scale.
Origins Creatives offers students the exciting opportunity to see their work exhibited in a London venue which is open to the public. This year’s exhibition will take place at the Mall Galleries on 17–20 July 2024.
Come down and view the students work throughout the week, the opening times are:
· Wednesday 17 July, 10am – 5pm
· Thursday 18 July, 10am – 5pm
· Friday 19 July, 10am – 5pm
· Saturday 20 July, 10am – 5pm
Find out more about the exhibition here: Origins Creatives | UAL (
Or our courses here:
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