Free Business Skills Workshops
Date: 20 April 2018
Dedicated students trade warm beds for cardboard shelters!
On Friday 20 April, students and staff from East Surrey College took part in the YMCA’s nationwide Sleep Easy campaign, by spending the night outside at College, raising awareness of homelessness and the dangers of rough sleeping. All money raised from this event will be going towards accommodation for young people in need, and a new accessible YMCA sports facility for those with disabilities and long-term health problems.
After constructing their cardboard shelters, Public Services and ESOL students were delighted to welcome Deputy Mayor Frank Kelly, who came to talk to the students and commend them for their commitment to this project. Representatives from the YMCA also visited the College, and were pleased to see the students sharing their support for the homeless.
Students and staff kept themselves entertained with a cardboard shelter competition, won by two ESOL students; a charity auction and a futsal game.
Irene Eveleigh, ESOL Lecturer, commented:
“It was inspiring to see students voluntarily giving up their Friday night to support local projects – everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and there was a real sense of community.”
We are pleased to say the East Surrey College Sleep Easy raised a grand total of over £600 for this worthwhile cause!
Address: East Surrey College, Gatton Point, London Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2JX
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