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16 to 19 Tuition Fund

Orbital South Colleges (East Surrey College and John Ruskin College) are committed to ensuring their allocated funding is used in accordance with the Government’s guidance for the 16 to 19 Tuition Fund by:

  • Producing this statement setting out how the Fund will be used to support the most disadvantaged students
  • Publishing this guidance on the College website
  • Recording the use of the Fund, including references to individual students who receive support, the needs of those students, the number of hours of tuition delivered, retaining the evidence of the tuition provided and demonstrating the impact of this support
  • Delivering the extra tuition and spending the allocated funds in the academic year
  • Notifying the Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) of any underspend from the Fund for it to be reclaimed

The Government has provided some funding to colleges that will enable small group tuition for 16 to 19 year old students enrolled onto a study programme where learning has been disrupted. The College has prioritised support for students who have not yet achieved a grade 4 or 5 in English and/or maths and those who are from an economically disadvantaged background and are in need of support.  Students will be assessed against these criteria based on their prior attainment in maths and English GCSE and/or whether they are in the lower 27% of the relevant academic year IMD (Index of multiple deprivation) based on their home postcode. (data available from Ministry of housing

The 16 to 19 Tuition Fund funds small intervention groups of between 5-7 students led by an expert teacher to recover gaps in knowledge and skills across a range of subject areas, but particularly focused on Maths and English.  

Examples of small group tuition include:

  • Additional workshops for Maths and English including a Breakfast club and small group tuition throughout the year
  • Additional practical vocational sessions for progressing students who missed out on these and meet the economically disadvantaged criteria
  • Additional academic sessions for knowledge/skills for progressing students who missed out on this delivery and meet the economically disadvantaged criteria.

The success of these interventions will be judged on student attainment of target grades and progression onto positive destinations.

Address: East Surrey College, Gatton Point, London Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2JX

Main Switchboard: 01737 772611 / Client Services: 01737 788444 / Email:

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