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Teaching Apprenticeship

Teaching Apprenticeship - Andy

Applied Science Tutor Andy worked his way up through our CET, AET and DET courses, completing his Teacher Training through an Apprenticeship

"It fits into my goal of becoming a teacher and allows me far more experience than traditional routes."

Andy has enjoyed the community at College and finds that with an Apprenticeship he is able to put into practice what he has learnt - "This allows a progressive back and forth where one helps the other and vice versa.

When asked for a specific example of how his coursework and teaching complement each other, Andy explained how he was able to try out different communication techniques with a high-needs student, taking onboard practices he had learnt in one of his lectures. 

At our Teacher Training Graduation Ceremony in October 2021, Andy shared his journey from Level 3 to Level 5 and commented on the holistic and pastoral role of a teacher. 

ESC offers Teacher Training courses across Levels 3, 4 and 5 starting up throughout the academic year. Explore our courses here

Address: East Surrey College, Gatton Point, London Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2JX

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