If you have a different question not listed below, Client Services will be happy to help - please call 01737 788444 or visit us at the College.
There are two different application processes for Higher Education and professional courses. Please check the course and course code carefully to determine whether you are applying for:
- Full-time Higher Education course (4 alpha digit course code - Normally Higher National Diplomas (HND) and Foundation Degrees (FdA or FdSc)
- Part-time Higher Education course (10 alpha/digit course code - Normally Higher National Certificates)
- Professional course. (10 alpha/digit course code - all other qualifications - including CET & DET)
Applications for Full-time Higher Education Courses must be made via the UCAS – the Universities Admissions Service, quoting our UCAS College code E32 - until Clearing is entered on 5 July. Applications for all other courses can be made via the College - For further information visit the Application Page.
Support can be found on the UCAS website www.ucas.com/students/applying/howtoapply, there are plenty of notes on how to complete your application as well as useful video guides. If you need further support you can also contact our Client Services Team using the details opposite.
This is a common problem, if you cannot contact your last tutor then your current or previous employer can complete a reference for you, please note friends and family are not allowed to complete a reference.
If you apply after the 25 January deadline, then the College will still receive your application and it will still be considered if there is room on the course. If you apply after the 30 June (Clearing starts 5 July) then your application will not be sent to the College but will be entered directly into clearing, for more information on clearing please refer to the UCAS website.
Many of our HE courses allow you to take out a student loan to help pay for your fees and possibly towards your living costs as well, for all the latest information visit www.direct.gov.uk/studentfinance or call their advice line on 0845 300 50 90.
Address: East Surrey College, Gatton Point, London Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2JX
Main Switchboard: 01737 772611 / Client Services: 01737 788444 / Email: clientservices@esc.ac.uk