Employer Apprenticeship Levy Meeting
Date: 01 March 2017
There has never been a better time to employ an Apprentice.
Some of the country’s top employers are offering work experience, Traineeships and Apprenticeships to help give young people the best start in their career.
East Surrey College’s Employer Services team can support your business with every step of the process in hiring an Apprentice.
In a recent Employer Satisfaction Survey conducted by the Skills Funding Agency East Surrey College scored in the top 10% of college and training organisations nationally for employer satisfaction.
The survey found:
• 97% of Employers surveyed said that East Surrey College delivered training that reflects up-to-date practices in their industry/sector
• 99% of Employers surveyed said that East Surrey College understood their organisations training needs
• 97% of Employers surveyed said that they would recommend East Surrey College
Skills Funding Agency, May 2016
During Apprenticeship Week we look forward to welcoming Active Prospects, Buxton Builders, Canon UK, Crest Nicholson, INFOR, Kiddi Caru, Land and Water, Stansons and Susy Radio who will be meeting student groups, discussing routes to careers and the vast opportunities available to students through Apprenticeship programmes.
In May 2017, Government funding for Apprenticeships is changing. An Apprenticeship Levy, a mandatory tax, will be introduced for all employers with a wage bill that exceeds £3 million.
Address: East Surrey College, Gatton Point, London Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2JX
Main Switchboard: 01737 772611 / Client Services: 01737 788444 / Email: clientservices@esc.ac.uk