Exams Update
Date: 08 April 2020
National training provider, Learning Curve Group, recently launched their #EducateWhilstYouIsolate campaign and have been inundated with over 13,000 requests in just 13 days.
Orbital South Colleges, which comprises East Surrey College in Redhill and John Ruskin College in Croydon, are delighted to be involved.
The campaign has a core focus to support the local communities by providing high quality online learning across key areas of priority at this extremely challenging time.
The organisations are working together to ensure individuals in isolation feel empowered to access online training to raise skill levels, increase social mobility and generate new employment opportunities. The programme also provides local employers with the opportunity, where home working is not an option for their teams, to develop skillsets across the business.
There are a range of qualifications available, with many supporting key workers and those with aspirations to support or volunteer as a key worker. These include:
Recently there has been a huge spike in individuals wishing to obtain mental-health based qualifications to support themselves and their families at this challenging time.
Kam Dehal, Vice Principal – Business Development (College Group) commented:
“During this period of isolation, we are keen to continue to deliver access to learning across our wider communities. We are extending our reach and responding to the increased demand so that we can support our local residents to be able to develop their skillset and focus on supporting their mental wellbeing during this time. We are delighted to have been able to join forces with the Learning Curve Group in order to support this essential initiative”
Brenda McLeish, Chief Executive Officer of Learning Curve Group said;
“I’m delighted that Orbital South Colleges have joined our #EducateWhilstYouIsolate campaign which has enabled a large number of learners local to their colleges to access accredited learning safely from their home. The campaign has seen phenomenal demand as people seek to use their time in isolation to learn new skills or further develop the skills that they have."
Any individuals wishing to explore the range of courses on offer, and to apply, visit www.learningcurvegroup.co.uk or email training@learningcurvegroup.co.uk.
Learning Curve Group has had enquiries from 13,000 individuals from across the country in just 13 days. If your establishment wishes to take part in the campaign and fund learners in your area, simply visit www.learningcurvegroup.co.uk/landing/isolate.
Address: East Surrey College, Gatton Point, London Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2JX
Main Switchboard: 01737 772611 / Client Services: 01737 788444 / Email: clientservices@esc.ac.uk