Festive Fun at ESC's Winter Fair
Date: 09 December 2024
As a Student Governor, Eleanor will have the opportunity to represent the Student Body at a strategic level, providing insights on important decisions, and helping drive positive change within the College.
When speaking with Eleanor, here’s what she had to say:
Why did you want to be a student governor?
I wanted to become a Student Governor because I thought it would be a good opportunity and a way to make positive changes around the College. I was invited by my tutor to apply after I initially saw an email advertising the position.
What have you liked most about the role? Has there been any highlights to date?
So far, I’ve participated in one committee meeting with the College governors, which was about the quality of learning. I also met with Lindsay Pamphilon, our College Principal; getting to know the College better and see the behind the scenes of how the staff help us while we study, was a personal highlight. I felt that positive change was happening after each meeting.
Do you feel you are a role model for other students?
I believe I may be seen as a role model because I have helped make improvements to the Enrichment timetable as well as being a bridge between the staff and students of the College.
What has been your favourite College Event to date?
My favourite event so far has been the Freshers Fair. I found it interesting going around each stall, finding out what each one was about. It was also a good careers opportunity for students, as well as giving a busy and lively atmosphere to help us adjust to College life.
I am excited for the upcoming Winter fair as it will be a nice way for us to celebrate the festive season.
Don’t hesitate to talk to Eleanor if you’d like to raise any points about life at College and ensure that the student voice is represented across College.
Address: East Surrey College, Gatton Point, London Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2JX
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