Travel Disruption
Date: 22 June 2022
Students from the Supported Internship Level 1 course and staff teaching Life Skills – SEND, came together with family and friends last week to celebrate student successes at the Supported Internship Awards ceremony.
The Supported Internship course is a one year programme, designed for people with special educational needs and disabilities, to develop the skills required to access employment.
Following a warm welcome from Jayne Dickinson, Chief Executive (Orbital South College Group), Kira Brabenec, Curriculum Manager – SEND, explained the programme is delivered in collaboration with several agencies. Kira welcomed special guests from Surrey Choices, an agency offering a range of support services, dedicated to improving independence, confidence, and life skills. Staff assist in delivering the curriculum, and secure work placements for the students. Dipti from Surrey Choices said: “This year has been fantastic.”
Kira Brabenec presenting to parents, students, and staff at the SI Awards |
Students began a range of work placements between November 2021 and January 2022, attending College one day a week. Kira introduced a PowerPoint presentation showcasing their experiences.
Kurtis and Miguel successfully completed placements at Iceland. Manager Chris commented: “Kurtis has a great personality and a strong willingness to work.” He added: “It has been a pleasure to have the candidates here with us. Both parties have really benefitted and the students have gained retail experience.”
Miguel’s mum added: “With the internship, Miguel has gained lots of skills and some friends too.”
Students Romilee and Saffie had placements with Surrey County Council. Manager Tara praised Romilee’s development: “She progressed wonderfully, she has grown in confidence and ability whilst here.” Saffie’s mum commented: “Saffie has matured a lot and grown in confidence this year.”
Students Grace, Romilee, and Saffie with their awards |
William and Kush worked at the YMCA. Their manager John said: “Will has tried a range of new and different experiences. He is great at engaging with other members of the team.” He commended Kush’s attitude: “He has always been prepared to try a range of different tasks.”
Rylan was based at the ReUse-It Shop. His manager was very positive about his approach to work, saying: “I have thoroughly enjoyed working with him and wish him all the very, very best for the future.”
Grace worked here at ESC in the teaching kitchen alongside tutor Nicola, who observed: “You transitioned from student to staff wonderfully. You have easily learnt skills for work – I could always rely on you to do a task correctly and independently.”
Speeches followed from two of the students who both expressed how much they had loved being in a workplace. Romilee said: “There is something for everyone”, and Will thanked the other students “for all the jokes we’ve had this year!”
Supported Internship Students with their awards |
Students received the following awards:
Kurtis – Most Improved Student of the Year
Miguel – Most Supportive Towards His Peers; Best Attendance Over 90%
Romilee – Student of the Year
Saffie – Positive Contribution to Class; Best Attendance Over 90%
William – 100% Attendance Throughout the Year
Rylan – Best Attendance Over 90%
Grace – Best Attendance Over 90%
One of the students has secured a job and several have been invited to continue as volunteers. Kira wished all the student’s luck with their ongoing journeys and asked them to keep in touch – inviting them to visit the College next year to talk to new students. Vice Principal – Curriculum & Standards (Orbital South College Group) Rebecca, told students that the programme will be growing next year and said: “Tell all your friends!”
East Surrey College has a number of courses designed to help those with special educational needs and disabilities reach their full potential and enhance life skills. Applications are still open for supported learning courses starting in September 2022, find out more here.
Address: East Surrey College, Gatton Point, London Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2JX
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